My latest book, “From fed by the world to food security. Accelerating agricultural development in Africa“, has been complemented by two articles about livestock. While the book is focussing mainly on arable farming, the articles concentrate on the development of animal husbandry in Africa. The first –“Food security in Africa requires more productive livestock”- analyses developments in animal husbandry, the second -“Nomads can be helped to settle by developing fertilizer markets”- suggests options for increasing the production of milk and meat.
This website has been created to support the consultancy work done after retirement in 2011. However, in 2014. I married Wil Kroon and returned to the Netherlands. Wil and I do many things together, but my wide interests (see below) did not decrease and I continue -as volunteer- many of the past activities: studies, missions, lectures, discussions and advisory work. A summary is shown under ACTIVITIES. In course of the last years I have focused scientific work on three different subjects, leading to three series of 5 to 7 articles. a) Green and circular fertilizers; b) Plant- or animal proteins for human consumption?; c) African food auto sufficiency in 2050. One of the latter articles Geopolitical Food Policy: Can Food Security be Achieved for Africa?

This reality is a reason to maintain this website, showing not only present activities, but also my PROFESSIONAL HISTORY, a more detailed description who I am (ABOUT ME), where, for example, an overview of all PUBLICATIONS is available as well as a link to a film that I have made about the semi-nomadic way of keeping livestock in Mali, FILM. If you are interested in some of the documents, or for one reason or another you like contacting me, please use the last heading: CONTACT .

AgroBioAfrica – Henk Breman
Bridging agro-ecological approaches with conventional technologies for sustainable highly productive family-farming.
Environment & development
- World food security
- Environmental, rural, economic and social program development support
- Specialized studies & advises; policies, markets & production
- Training, teaching & lecturing
- Project evaluation
In domains such as