Principal author of seven books. Author of chapters in 11 other books, of more than 50 scientific and popular publications, and of hundreds of research and advisory reports. The titles are presented in the List of publications 2023 (click on the link). They are organized under the headings of the survey below, which illustrate my fields of interest, knowledge and experience. The publications are sent on request (CONTACT) as far as digital versions are available. The survey starts with a few movies.One about semi-nomadic livestock keeping in Mali, a documentary about the PhD research of Dr. Abdrahamane Diallo and Dr. Gaoussou Traoré. Two other French spoken films have been added. One shows a crucial meeting of Congolese women farmer leaders that has led to the foundation of a national umbrella organization. The other concerns a theater performance in Kinshasa about food security in DRC, initiated by IFDC-CATALIST. Click on the titles and you can see the movies.
I – Film
“Independant”, 1978 – a movie from Henk Breman and Andrez de Jong about the semi-nomadic way of keeping livestock in Mali.
The National Academy of Congolese Women Farmers (ANPC)» (part 1 and part 2) Goma, 12-05-2012. A preparatory meeting regarding the creation of the ANPC.
« The Béjarts » shows what is required to ensure that the Congolese agriculture is able to bring national food security. An initiative of IFDC-CATALIST.The Theatre Company
II – Books
Agricultural development
Animal husbandry
Crop & livestock intensification
III – Scientific articles, studies, reports and interviews
Animal husbandry
Arable farming
Biological- or organic agriculture
Carbon sequestration
Environment and development
Crop & livestock intensification
Integrated soil fertility management
S o i l a m e n d m e n t s a n d f e r t i l i z e r
F e r t i l i z e r
L i m i n g
P h o s p h a t e r o c k
Legumes (in rangelands and agriculture)
Range land management
Desertification control
Rural development/Dovetailing of agro-ecological and socioeconomic conditions