Advisor of an agricultural education collaboration between schools in Uganda and the Netherlands
In course of my work in Africa, I started to understand the negative effects of large socialdifferences between men and women for agricultural development. It is therefore that the subject received increasingly attention. At retirement, I decided to continue to stay involved in the matter in DR Congo, a country in the top ten of biggest gender related differences and lowest agriculture productivity. I plaid a role in the creation of the ANPC, the “Académie Nationale des Paysannes Congolaises”. See the film as illustration in two parts, part 1 and part 2. Till to-day, I am advising on request women farmers organizations, and when being in the region, as visiting with Wil Rwanda in 2016 and visiting Uganda in 2018, people from DRC cross the border for consultations.
Secretary political party GroenLinks in the municipality Voorst
Advisory board of the CNRA (Comité National de Recherche Agricole), Mali.
Advisory board of INSAH (Institut de Sahel) of CILSS (Comité Interétat de la Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel)
Board of Trustees ISNAR (International Service for National Agricultural Research).
Member of several advisory committees of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (e.g., National Advisory Board for Development Co-operation, committee for Environment and Development Co-operation, Agricultural Research Working group, Locust Control by Remote Sensing).
Dutch representative to DESCON conferences (Desertification Control UNEP, Nairobi; Geneva).
Consultant for a panel of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
Advisory committee Club du Sahel (Paris): “Comité Restreint pour le Développement de I’Elevage au Sahel“).
Evaluation animal husbandry development projects of the EU, Brussels, etc.